Les structures industrielles et l'innovation


A dynamic model of process and product innovation

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Absorptive capacity, co-authoring behavior and the organization of research in drug discovery

Cockburn I.M., Henderson, R.M, Absorptive capacity, co-authoring behavior and the organization of research in drug discovery, Journal of Industrial Economics, XLVI, 1998, 157-181.

Alliances en R&D, course à l'innovation et gain stratégique

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Alliances stratégiques et firmes multinationales : une nouvelle théorie pour de nouvelles formes de multinationalisation

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Competition and Growth

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Democratizing Innovation

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Essai sur les fondements de l'innovation ouverte

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Handbook of the Economics of Innovation

Handbook of the Economics of Innovation, Bronwyn H. Hall ,Nathan Rosenberg, 2010

Innovation and incentives: evidence from corporate r&d

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La co-opétition, une révolution dans la manière de jouer concurrence et coopération

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Profiting from technological innovation: implications for integration, collaboration, licensing and public policy

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Scale, Scope, and Spillovers: The Determinants of Research Productivity in Drug Discovery

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The Cathedral & the Bazaar

Raymond E.et Young B., 1999, The Cathedral & the Bazaar, Knowledge, Technology & Policy

The competitive challenges

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The economic implications of learning by doing

K.Arrow,, 1962, The economic implications of learning by doing, review of economic studies

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